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Expectations for WSCO musicians


WSCO is in operation only because of the generous support of many volunteers. Every musician and/or parent is expected to help where they are able! Parents or families of students please plan to help with at least one concert or event during the year. Your donated time is appreciated, and necessary to keep WSCO going. 


  • Review the Musicians' Code of Conduct with your student/child.

  • Agree to participate in at least 1 hour of volunteer service for WSCO during the fall season.

  • Agree to participate in at least 1 hour of volunteer service for WSCO during the spring season.


Musicians' Code of Conduct
  • Help create a positive, fun, orderly, and relaxed learning environment for all.

  • Have a positive attitude.  Encourage your fellow musicians.  Assist in their musical growth.

  • Treat the conductors, staff, volunteers, and fellow musicians with respect at all times.

  • Arrive 15 minutes before rehearsal to tune and be ready to play. Bring a pencil to all rehearsals.

  • Give your attention to the Conductor, even when not playing. 

  • The use of cell phones and electronic devices is not allowed during rehearsals.

  • Raise your hand to speak, and remain quiet while not playing.

  • Be at all rehearsals and performances. Notify the Orchestra Manager ahead of time if you will need to be absent.

  • Return music promptly when asked to do so.

  • If you borrow anything, return it!

  • We are guests in our rehearsal and performance locations.  Treat the property and spaces of our host with respect. 

  • The use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is strictly prohibited.

  • At concerts, musicians should be seated in the theater hall as audience members when they are not on stage performing.

  • Appropriate audience etiquette is expected while supporting fellow musicians.


Concert Attire

Concert attire: black tops/shirts/jackets and black slacks/skirts/shoes; white tops are okay if black is not available.

Please: no tight or above-the-knee skirts without leggings or equivalent. 

Alternate attire: white tops with black or very dark slacks/skirts.




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Chief Sealth International High School

2600 SW Thistle St

Seattle, WA 98106


Mailing address:

P.O. Box 46995

Seattle, WA 98146

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