Learn about our mission, vision, and history.

Our Mission
WSCO provides community musicians of all ages and abilities with opportunities for performance and growth.
Our Vision
To inspire the enjoyment of music-making through instruction and mentoring in mixed-age ensembles culminating in quality group performances.
Our History
The Westside Symphonette, our predecessor, was founded in the Fall of 2002 to allow local students to participate in a full symphony orchestra—an opportunity that still does not exist in our West Seattle schools.
Toni Reineke, retired WSCO conductor, co-founded the Symphonette with the late Kathleen Hunt. The first rehearsal, in November 2002, had 16 students in attendance. In June of 2004 the group expanded to two orchestras due to the numbers participating and to better serve a broader range of musical abilities. In the fall of 2009, Seattle Youth Symphony coaches were provided to lead a Beginning Strings program for students, increasing the Westside Symphonette to three groups.
A board of directors was formed in 2010 and official non-profit status was granted to West Seattle Community Orchestras, WSCO, on September 2, 2010. In the fall of 2011, winds and percussion were added to the beginning strings class to form the Debut Orchestra. Strong community ties and volunteer action have been a trademark from the beginning. Toni, Kathleen, Jorge Morales, and Marcus Pimpleton all contributed countless hours to grow the roots to support what is now a much larger organization. WSCO currently serves about 260 musicians, including approximately 90 students. WSCO's large ensembles include the Symphony Orchestra, Concert Orchestra, Debut Orchestra, and Wind Symphony and small classes include Student Beginning Strings, Adult Beginning Strings, and Adult Beginning Band.